Firecheck-0014 10litres Firecheck-0014 10litres
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  • Firecheck-0014 10litres - Image 1
  • Firecheck-0014 10litres - Image 1

Firecheck-0014 10litres

Product ID: Firecheck0014
Brand: Rosco

View or buy the Safety Stage Enhancement - Firecheck-0014 10litres from Rosco to discover other options and shipping details.


Flame Retardent   10 litres

Originally formulated for the elevator industry where restriction of spread of flame in lift wells during fire emergencies is of extreme importance.
Firecheck has characteristics which inhibit the progress of flame.
Firecheck, when exposed to direct flame heat, swells and limits the progress of flammable substrate thereby severely retarding or completely eliminating the spread of flame.

Firecheck is a high build, flat finish, water based, fire retardant membrane which also exhibits exceptional water proofing capabilities and exceptional UV resistance.   Firecheck has been tested and approved by A.W.T.A & conforms to A.S. 1530 part 3.

Can be used on all surfaces where fire retardant properties are specified or desirable.

Surface Preparation:
All surfaces should be clean and free from oil, grease and other contaminants.   Suitable water based priming and under coat systems for the particular substrate should be used.

Not normally recommended.   If required, thin with a minimum amount of water.

Brush, roller or spray. Two coats each at a rate of 2m2 per litre and with 6-8 hours between coats should be used to obtain maximum protection.

Spread Rate:
2m2 per litre per coat.

Drying Time:
Depending on weather conditions, Touch dry 30-60 minutes. Re-coat when hard dry, which is usually between 6-8 hours.

Clean Up:
Use water to clean all equipment immediately after use.

Standard Packaging:
10 Litres

White, but can be tinted.

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